Our APRIL book selection is With: Reimagining the way you related to God by Skye Jethani.
Here is a brief description of the book:
With explores the narrative of the Bible to show that we were created to be with God, and that restoring this connection is his mission. Instead of life over, under, from, or even for God, what leads us into freedom and restoration is life with God.
Why are American Christians, who have more access to biblical teaching than any other people in history, failing to experience the freedom of the Christian life? Why are pastors, those closest to the work and ministry, burning out at an alarming rate? Why do many church members, who give large amounts of their time and wealth to Christ and his kingdom, secretly question the legitimacy of their efforts? And why are spiritual seekers dismissing the validity of the Christian message?
Is it possible we’ve misunderstood the call of the Christian life?A life lived in rich communion with God cultivates faith, hope, and love in a way that transforms both us and the broken world we inhabit.
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