February Prayer Book Club for Men & Women

February 11 & 25, 5:15-6:15 pm | As part of the Prayer Ministry at Bridge, we will be offering "Book Club" opportunities in February, March, & April. In the past, Book Club has been for women only; however, since Bridge is hosting a Prayer Summit through Strategic Renewal Ministries based on the prayer structure we will read about, we wanted to invite men to join us in February!

Here are the books we plan to read:
February - Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson
March - Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel
April - With: Reimaging the Way you Relate to God by Skye Jethani

What to expect:
We will meet to discuss the book two times during the month on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays in Student Ministry Room 1 (middle school room). It will be very casual, with the goals of sharing our thoughts and how the Lord is speaking to us each individually through what we read.

Once you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email that will include a link to order your book and details regarding how much to read prior to our first meeting.

We hope you will join us!

Our FEBRUARY book selection is Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson.

Here is a brief description of the book:

Praying Christians are hungry to learn how to connect with God in a way that takes them beyond the typical grocery-list approach. Transforming Prayer explores the profound difference between seeking God's hand (what he does for people) and seeking God's face (who he really is). With captivating stories of the transformative power of personal worship and its connection with prayer, this book equips readers with practical tools for a more effective personal and corporate prayer life.

**Bridge will be hosting a powerful prayer event (called a Prayer Summit) at the end of February (February 28-March 1) led by Strategic Renewal Ministries, which was founded by the author of this book (Daniel Henderson).  As Christ-followers from Bridge and surrounding churches, we will come together to learn and practice Spirit-led, Scripture-fed, Worship-based prayer.  Reading this book will provide great discussion and exposure to this structure of prayer prior to our Prayer Summit. 

By completing the information below, you are signing up for our FEBRUARY book club:



February 11 & 25, 5:15-6:15 pm
As part of the Prayer Ministry at Bridge, we will be offering "Book Club" opportunities in February, March, & April. In the past, Book Club has been for women only; however, since Bridge is hosting a Prayer Summit through Strategic Renewal Ministries based on the prayer structure we will read about, we wanted to invite men to join us in February!

Here are the books we plan to read:
February - Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson
March - Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel
April - With: Reimaging the Way you Relate to God by Skye Jethani

What to expect:
We will meet to discuss the book two times during the month on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays in Student Ministry Room 1 (middle school room). It will be very casual, with the goals of sharing our thoughts and how the Lord is speaking to us each individually through what we read.

Once you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email that will include a link to order your book and details regarding how much to read prior to our first meeting.

We hope you will join us!