BreakThrough Summer Camp 2025 Registration - 6th-12th Grade

June 30-July 4, 2025 | This year's summer camp will be held at Crossroads Camp in Lowesville, VA!! This camp is a 4 night, 5 day trip that will include morning and evening sessions, small group discussions, worship, prayer, and times for fun and fellowship (high ropes course, archery, giant swing, swimming, volleyball, snack shop, etc.). We hope your student will consider joining us for this amazing event. Overnight accommodations will be dorm style with bunk beds, bathrooms / showers in each cabin, and adult sponsors / leaders staying with every group.

The dates for this trip are June 30 to July 4, arriving midday on June 30 and returning midday on July 4. BreakThrough is open to all students who were in grades 6-12 for the 24/25 school year.

**Students who attend must stay from the beginning of the trip until the end, with the exception of emergency situations or extenuating circumstances. Due to the nature of the trip, it will not work for students to come late or leave early for other commitments (sports, other trips, etc.)

Cost for this camp is $375 per student (each student is given a $100 discount from our Envelope Challenge, which helps to reduce the cost to $375). A $50 deposit is required when you sign up to secure a spot. Final payment will be due Sunday, June 8.

We never want finances to be a reason your child cannot attend one of our camps. If financial assistance is something you need, please contact Phillip Painter to work through your situation. We are also hoping to provide work projects to help reduce the cost of camp, but there is no guarantee. Please indicate on your registration form if this is something you would be interested in if available. Parents would be required to accompany their student for the work project.
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June 30-July 4, 2025
This year's summer camp will be held at Crossroads Camp in Lowesville, VA!! This camp is a 4 night, 5 day trip that will include morning and evening sessions, small group discussions, worship, prayer, and times for fun and fellowship (high ropes course, archery, giant swing, swimming, volleyball, snack shop, etc.). We hope your student will consider joining us for this amazing event. Overnight accommodations will be dorm style with bunk beds, bathrooms / showers in each cabin, and adult sponsors / leaders staying with every group.

The dates for this trip are June 30 to July 4, arriving midday on June 30 and returning midday on July 4. BreakThrough is open to all students who were in grades 6-12 for the 24/25 school year.

**Students who attend must stay from the beginning of the trip until the end, with the exception of emergency situations or extenuating circumstances. Due to the nature of the trip, it will not work for students to come late or leave early for other commitments (sports, other trips, etc.)

Cost for this camp is $375 per student (each student is given a $100 discount from our Envelope Challenge, which helps to reduce the cost to $375). A $50 deposit is required when you sign up to secure a spot. Final payment will be due Sunday, June 8.

We never want finances to be a reason your child cannot attend one of our camps. If financial assistance is something you need, please contact Phillip Painter to work through your situation. We are also hoping to provide work projects to help reduce the cost of camp, but there is no guarantee. Please indicate on your registration form if this is something you would be interested in if available. Parents would be required to accompany their student for the work project.