Women's Getaway: "Homestead Prayer Retreat" 2025

August 21st-24th | This getaway offers a unique opportunity for you to deepen your spiritual connection with God while nurturing your relationship with your adult children through the power of the Holy Spirit and prayer. We will travel to the beautiful mountains in Hot Springs, VA, staying at a house in the Owners Club at the Homestead. Activities during this three-day stay include a guided 3-hour, 1.3-mile Cascades Gorge Hike, horseback riding, swimming/lazy river and recreational archery.

Let's come together to pray for our children while growing closer and encouraging other women in the same stage of life.
Dates (All dates are required)
Trip: August 21-24
Pre-trip Meetings: April 13 (11:40 am), July 6 (11:40 am), August 12 (5:30 pm)

Homestead Resort; Hot Springs, VA

Topic/Spiritual Focus
Praying for Your Adult Children

Lara Hoke and Sheri Smith

Space Available
8 ladies total
Moms with adult children

Sleeping Arrangments
Queen beds (shared with one person) and full beds (individual)

Fitness Level (1-easy, 2-medium, 3-hard)

2 - Medium (hiking before trip is encouraged)
Physical activity will include: hiking, archery, swimming/lazy river

Participation Level (1-low, 2-medium, 3-high)
3 - High Participation Required.
Participants will be expected to share their personal story, lead prayer with the group, and participate in all discussions.

Price: $400 per person
Please select one option.


August 21st-24th
This getaway offers a unique opportunity for you to deepen your spiritual connection with God while nurturing your relationship with your adult children through the power of the Holy Spirit and prayer. We will travel to the beautiful mountains in Hot Springs, VA, staying at a house in the Owners Club at the Homestead. Activities during this three-day stay include a guided 3-hour, 1.3-mile Cascades Gorge Hike, horseback riding, swimming/lazy river and recreational archery.

Let's come together to pray for our children while growing closer and encouraging other women in the same stage of life.