Dates (All dates are required)
Trip: June 5-9th
Pre-trip Meetings: April 27th and May 18th (3:00-5:00 pm)
Virginia Beach
Spiritual Focus/Topic
Soul care, rest and refreshment for leaders
Katie Campbell and Bethany Mullen
Space Available
8 ladies total
Ages 18 and older LEADERS
Sleeping Arrangments
Beds, individual or with one other lady
Topic/Spiritual Focus
"Soul Care and Prayer" for women leaders
Fitness Level (1-easy, 2-medium, 3-hard)
2 - Medium
Physical activities include: kayaking, walking, etc.
Participation Level (1-low, 2-medium, 3-high)
3 - High Participation Required.
Participants will be expected to share their personal story, lead prayer with the group, and participate in all discussions.
$300 per person